Thursday 18th of January 2018
14h00-15h00: Delegate arrival and check in 15h00-17h00: Opening Ceremony
18h00-18h15: Chair Introductions
18h30-19h30: Dinner with Guest Speakers
19h15-19h45: MUN Advisors Information Session
19h30 -20h00: Committee Procedure Overview
20h000 - 21h30: Delegate Policy Statements on Topic 1
21h30 -22h30: Topic 1 Overview/ Forming Blocs for Topic 1
Friday 19th of January 2018
08h00-08h15: Bus pick up at Rabat American School to the Venue
09h00 - 09h30: Debate Flow Overview
09h30-10h30: Debate Topic 1 Resolutions
10h30-11h00: Snack
11h00 - 13h00: Debate Topic 1 Resolutions
13h00-13h30: Lobbying Time
13h30-14h30: Lunch
14h30-16h30: Debate Topic 1 Resolutions
16h30-17h30: Delegate Policy Statements on Topic 2
17h30-18h30: Topic 2 Overview/Forming Blocs for Topic 2
18h30: Committees Dismissed
18h45: Conference Picture
19h00: Buses depart to R.A.S
19h45: Host picked up from R.A.S
Saturday 20th of January 2018
08h00-08h15: Bus pick up at Rabat American School to venue
09h00 - 09h15: Debate Flow Overview
09h15 -10h15: Debate Topic 2 Resolutions
10h15-10h45: Snack
10h45 - 12h45 : Debate Topic 2 Resolutions
12h45 -13h30: Lobbying Time
13h30 -14h30: Lunch
14h30-16h30: Debate Topic 2 Resolutions
16h30-17h30: Review Resolutions Topic 1 and Topic 2
17h30: Buses depart to R.A.S
18h15: Host picked up from R.A.S
20h00-23h00: SOCIAL at R.A.S
20h00 - 21h00: MUN Advisor Dinner
21h00 - 23h00: MUN Advisor on GA Resolutions Meeting
23h00: Host pick up / Return to Hotel
Sunday 21st January 2018
08h00-08h15: Bus pick up at hotels only to National Library
08h45-09h00: Delegates Arrive
09h00-11h00: General Assembly Session
09h00-11h00: NON GA Committee Session
11h00 - 11h30: Break
11h30-13h30: General Assembly Session
13h30- 14h30: Lunch
14h30-16h00: Closing Ceremony
16h00: Bus departures
The theme of the MaMUN 2018 conference is “Combatting Climate Change”. It is one the most prominent issues being discussed around the world today and has already begotten considerable action from the international community. Numerous conferences organized by private think tanks to multilateral bodies have focused on this pressing issue. In fact, the thirteenth sustainable development goal of the UN is focused on combatting climate change. In order to control the socio-economic and environmental impacts of climate change, different treaties have already been signed and solutions proposed. Still, the wide variety of perspectives on the issue from members of the international community and the efforts needed to address all aspects of the problem make the question of climate change a debate-worthy one. This year, the MaMUN 2018 conference will look at this issue from a renewed perspective by looking at different facades of it in each of its committees.
Thank you for your interest in attending MaMUN. Registration is now open and will remain open until end of October. Our admin team will confirm your delegation’s position assignments and number of allotted spots in the early fall.
To begin, click the Register button on the bottom-right side of the page. Reach us at marocmun@gmail.con with any questions. The Conference Terms and Condition will also be a good resource leading up to conference.
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Eighth Edition
© 2018 maroc Model United Nations
mamun MMXVIII - JANUARY 18 - 21, 2018
maroc model united nationS
Rabat american school
For general inquiries, please contact or fill out the contact form.